adb install [-l] [-r] [-s] <file>
- EN push this package file to the device and install it
- CHS 给设备安装软件
- (
means forward-lock the app) #锁定该程序 - (
means reinstall the app, keeping its data) #重新安装该程序,保存数据 - (
means install on SD card instead of internal storage) #安装在SD卡内,而不是设备内部存储
- (
adb uninstall [-k] <package>
- EN remove this app package from the device
- CHS 从设备删除程序包
- (
means keep the data and cache directories) #不删除程序运行所产生的数据和缓存目录(如软件的数据库文件)
- (
清除adb logcat 缓存
1 | adb logcat -c |
adb 输出指定包的日志 并重定向
1 | adb -d logcat *:* | Tee-Object login0713-03.log |
cd MyApplication\app\build\intermediates\javac\debug\classes
build-tools\29.0.3\dx.bat –dex –output=./classes.dex .\com\example\myapplication\ExampleFunction.class
### 链接指定设备
adb connect [ip]
adb disconnect [ip]
adb -s shell 设备id[ip:port]